Thursday, August 14, 2008

Online Dating and Self Publishing....Future of Younger Generations

When the first online dating sites popped up, people were hesitant to say they met someone online. They wondered if this made them look desperate. Times have change.
The Facebook Generation, I have to admit I am addicted as well, is comfortable with virtual friends and connecting to people with like/similar interest. I must add, caution always imperative
when meeting strangers anywhere!

In our fairy tale, Princess Bubble, the main character joins to date. The modern version of a fairy tale ball.

This same generation of constant computer users, blogs and publishes everything online from independent films to columns that have daily followings. I believe this blogging bunch will not see self publishing at
all as negative or second rate. Kim Webb and I self published Princess Bubble because we needed to reach girls a.s.a.p. with our message of true meaning of "Happily Ever After!" So many young girls are starving
and compromising themselves for the attention of a boy/man.Recently CNN reported staggering numbers of teen girls are in abusive relationships! Kim and I felt did not have time for some agent to agree with us and then to find a publisher. We needed to start reaching girls as soon as possible! Now, we have reached people and appeared on The Today Show, CNN and many other media outlets and would welcome the right publisher because this is a lot of work! And we both have full time jobs.

But the stigma continues, despite national attention, our hometown paper The Atlanta Journal and Constitution emailed me, "We typically don't write about self-published books..." I found this so interesting! Nancy Pelosi's book is currently rated #1,681,028 on Amazon, but she does have a publisher.

All of this will soon change. Just as the perception of online dating has changed, self publishing will one day not carry the same stigma it does today. I am proud of the work we have done and all we have learned. Exhausted! But proud. And encourage everyone to follow their dreams even if you have to go a non-traditional route.

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