Monday, August 04, 2008

Meet Kelly!

TriangleMom2Mom's featured mom this week is Kelly Rives.

Kelly will always be Princess Sparkle to me-an important character in Princess Bubble, our modern day fairy tale! When Kelly is not one of Princess Bubble’s supporting characters she is acting as Queen to three princesses of her own and the founder of a successful consignment sale that now is in six cities. The
Raleigh sale is at the end of this month.
I am posting the article so the world can know about wonderful Kelly and her fantastic business!

Mom2Mom: Tell us about yourself.

Kelly: As a native Mississippian, I have loved living in North Carolina . Our family has truly found our place here. Growing up in Corinth , a small northeastern Mississippi town, I had never dreamed of living in North Carolina . But after graduating from the University of Mississippi and moving to Atlanta to teach, I realized that I might not have everything figured out. My husband, Ben, and I didn’t plan to leave Atlanta , but after we had our first child we quickly realized that we needed a little bit of a slower pace. Fourteen months later, we had our second precious little girl, and began to look for another place to call home. My husband’s company, Brasfield & Gorrie, had an office in Raleigh , and we took advantage of the transfer. And we have only been blessed. Quickly we found our church, Church of the Apostles, and made many wonderful friends there and through Ben’s work. We hate that our extended family is now so far away, but we are at home here.

Right after moving here, the former teacher-turned-stay-at-home-mother in me decided that I needed to add a little business to our already hectic world. Since our first daughter was born, I had developed a passion for smocked children’s clothing. I guess that is part of my southern hertitage in me, but I couldn’t get enough of it -- precious stuff, but ridiculously expensive. I had shopped many consignment sales, but I never really had any luck finding the type clothing I was looking for, nor did I want to sell my children’s outgrown clothing at those sales because I knew I wouldn’t get much for them.

So I started one of the first high-end children’s clothing consignment sales, the Divine Consign Show. We focus on trunk show and boutique clothing. No toys, no maternity wear, no DVDs …. just clothes. I knew that my friends and I would like this, but I have been astonished at how successful it has been.

Many trunk shows and boutiques now sell their overstocks and samples with us, so our customers get their choice of new and used clothes at amazing prices! So after just three years in business, we have sales in six cities. And we keep growing! God is so good. Since moving to the Triangle I have become the mother of a third baby girl, an involved member of our church, a delighted busy mother, a proud wife and a business woman. Who would have ever guessed?

Mom2Mom: What's your favorite place for your family in the Triangle?

Kelly: My favorite place to spend time with my family is the swimming pool! Any swimming pool. My girls have always been super swimmers, and they would rather be in the pool than anywhere else. I am from the school of learning that says, “Let them jump in and learn to love it!” My 18-month-old loves to freak everyone out by running and jumping in hundreds of times a day. I love to let her sink down and come up giggling every time! It is a great time for all of us.

Mom2Mom: What's your favorite place in the Triangle for yourself?

Kelly: My favorite thing to do is go and get a pedicure with my friends. I love to sit in the massaging chairs (sometimes with a glass of wine), visit with my friends and just be pampered. My fingernails are embarrassing, but I keep the “piggies” well dressed. It is so nice to be somewhere where I am not expected to play a game, cook a meal, clean a dish, or tell a story. Mommies need to be re-energized to be the best mommies they can be! And it all starts with the feet…..

Mom2Mom: What's your favorite ritual with your family?

Kelly: When I was growing up my family ate dinner together at least five nights a week. Every night we each took our turn to say our “news” of the day. Each of us told of some very important part of our day. I have always felt that was a great way to keep our family focused on each other’s lives, and not so focused on ourselves. We have continued that tradition in our family with my husband and three girls. Our girls are still quite young, so we have slightly altered “news,” and we each share our favorite part of the day. This is so sweet. I love hearing what my girls found delight in throughout their days, as well as, hearing the highpoints of my husband’s days. We will always make it a point to have dinner together as a family, but the cooking the meal and cleaning it up are the hard part!

Mom2Mom: What did you eat last night for dinner? Can you share the recipe?

Kelly: Last night I had a good old Tomato Sandwich. White bread, tomato, mayo, salt and pepper! Since my husband was out of town, I took advantage of one of my favorites. But I love my Paula Dean recipe for a Tomato Pie. It sounds a lot better, and actually tastes better than my sandwich.

Mom2Mom: What's your guilty pleasure?
Kelly: I have two guilty pleasures.

Children’s clothing. I have a tremendously hard time dressing myself, but I love dressing my kids. Even selling children’s clothing has not dampened that love.

At the end of the day, when the kids are asleep and the kitchen is cleaned and my e-mails are all caught up, there is nothing better than a nice glass of wine. That is my little reward for keeping all of the spinning plates in the air all day long.

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