Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Fairy Tales Can Come True
by Noel Rozny

Fairy Tales Can Come True

If they're based on some semblance of reality. Which is why I love the "Princess Bubble" book series, which came to me through a random, magical email sent by a celestial fairy godmother. If you're not familiar with Princess Bubble, she's not the type to be napping while Prince Charming slays the dragon. Rather, she'll be out traveling the world and helping others, thank you very much. Authors Susan Johnston and Kimberly Webb created the series to kick that whole "damsel in distress" business to the curb, and to show young ladies that you don't have to have a man in your life to be happy. In an interview with CNN, Webb said "Knowing how low self-esteem and and depression plague many females, we wanted to spread the message that 'happily ever after' can occur even before Prince Charming arrives . . . or even if he never does." I don't have daughters yet, but when I do, I guarantee they'll be following Princess Bubble and all of her adventures.

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