Monday, October 05, 2009

A modern day fairy tale for girls of all ages
By Terry Hernon MacDonald October 5, 2009
A wonderful little book crossed my desk recently, and I wished it were around during the days I read bedtime stories to my two daughters (I nearly had an aneurysm once reading The Princess and the Pea to my older daughter; I did not repeat the mistake with the younger one).

But this book, Princess Bubble, wrtten by Susan Johnston and Kimberly Webb and illustrated by Maria Tonellis, tells the story of a “beautiful and blissful” princess who graduates from college eager to travel and meet people in other lands. Her career allows her to buy a palace of her own, where princesses from other kingdoms gather for all sorts of fun and frolic. But the party comes to a slow end when the others drop out to get married. And then everybody keeps asking why poor Princess Bubble hasn’t found a prince of her own.

The queen, getting desperate, starts a search for her daughter’s Royal Mr. Right, and Princess Bubble goes along with this. For a while.

A Fairy Godmother clues her in:

Living happily ever after is not about finding a prince. True happiness is found by loving God, being kind to others, and being comfortable with who you are already!”

The kid wises up. She realizes that she’s living a wonderful life. She revels in her achievements. She loves her family, and her friends.

And she lives happily ever after.

If you’re in the market for a children’s book that teaches girls to live by their own lights, and that there’s more to life than getting married, take a look at Princess Bubble.

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