Thursday, January 22, 2009

In Her Heels with Princess Bubble Author, Susan Johnston

We've all read them: Fairy tales that end with a princess finding Prince Charming and living *sigh* happily ever after. Or so we've been told. Move over damsel-in-distress; there's a new princess in town! Her name is Princess Bubble and she's an independent, intelligent, globe trotting princess that doesn't need Prince Charming to live her life. Creators Susan Johnston and Kimberly Webb are changing the way girls think of happily ever after.
Susan, I love this book and I love what you ladies are doing. How did you meet each other?

Although Kim and I were both Delta flight attendants, we actually met through an old boyfriend. So, we joke and say that did not work out but I kept Kim.

What sparked the idea for Princess Bubble?

After being in 17 weddings and exhausted from hearing "Why aren't you married?" I was playing Barbie with a friend's daughter and was told that Barbie could not live "happily ever after" without a prince. I questioned this little princess, telling her I was single and happy and had traveled the world, had wonderful friends and family...And she informed me this was not possible for Barbie or any of the Disney princesses because it had been clearly documented -No Prince equals no chance of "happily ever after."

I thought about this and wondered what we were teaching our girls. Wasn't happiness to be shared and not made the responsibility of another human to fulfill? I wrote an email to friends with a rough draft of Princess Bubble asking what they thought. Isn't it time for a new fairy tale? Kim quickly responded, "Yes! Let's make it happen." So, we published Princess Bubble together. Tell us more about the Princess Bubble character? From an excerpt I read that she took a job with Royal Heir Line to travel. It sounds like Princess Bubble is based on your own lives. Is that a correct assumption?

Princess Bubble is a better version of us. She is educated, well traveled, wants to make a difference, owns her own castle and had also been a bridesmaid and is told in the story that she will wear the bridesmaid dress again.
Recently, my life took an unexpected turn I NEVER expected for myself and I met a prince. This relationship has made me even more passionate about the message of Princess Bubble because we both feel so strongly about being happy first and then as secure happy people you are able to encourage each other to fulfill their dreams and be a better person. Not expect the other person to be the dream.
Kim is very happy single and has a fabulous life traveling, dating and has mastered Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. We are both very close to our nieces and nephews.

What is your vision for Princess Bubble and your company?

We would love for Princess Bubble to travel the world and learn about languages, cultures and the education of travel. But, we self-published Princess Bubble and are not in the financial position to finance her travels just yet. But, that is our dream.

If there are any publishers or investors reading, take a look at Princess Bubble! What is the message you want to get across to women and girls?

Kim and I believe it is far better to be single and wish you were married than married and wish you were single. Our passion is for girls/women to recognize their value and worth. We believe true happiness comes from loving God, helping others and liking who you are already. There are so many girls compromising themselves, starving themselves and in abusive dating relationships-all seeking the attention of some guy. We want these girls to know they are a special princess and feel secure in their own skin. What is a day like in your heels? Kim still works for Delta and she tutors Spanish. She has her Masters in Romantic Languages. I left Delta in 2006 and took a job with a builder. I was recently laid off. So, I am looking for a job and we both are promoting Princess Bubble hoping to empower girls and reach people with this message we are so passionate about. Thank you so much for taking the time to talk to me today. Happily ever after!

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