Monday, June 30, 2008

Princess Bubble- BOOK REVIEW
by Wayne S. Walker
for Stories for Children Magazine

BOOK: Princess Bubble
WRITTEN BY: Susan Johnston and Kimberly Webb
PUBLISHED BY: Bubble Gum Press (2006)
ISBN-10: 0-9650910-0-7
ISBN-13: 978-0-9650910-0-8
READING LEVEL: Ages 2-8 but single women may enjoy it too
REVIEWED BY: Wayne S. Walker

Being an "old-fashioned" type of person and having read some of the promotion for this book, I was not sure that I would like it. However, I determined to read it with an open mind. Behold, I found that I did like it. Most every little girl wants to grow up to be a Princess who finds her Prince Charming. And most parents would like this for their little girls. Yet, it is plain that it does not always happen for everyone. For those young ladies who must learn to be content with their singleness, there is Princess Bubble, who graduates from college, gets a job, buys a palace of her own, and watches several of her friends get married.
Many of her married friends begin to ask her why she has not found a prince yet, and eventually her mother tells her that it is time for her to find a prince. She does try and makes many new friends in the process, but finally learns from her fairy godmother that "living happily every after is not about finding a prince. True happiness is found by loving God, being kind to others, and being comfortable with who you are already." So, what will Princess Bubble do with what she has learned? This is a lovely story with an important message for girls (and for their parents) who can read it to help be prepared whatever may happen.

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