Saturday, March 31, 2007

Day 1 of My Life as a Princess Blog!

Once upon a time there was a blogger named Susan Johnston. Kimberly Webb and I are the authors of a modern day fairy tale, Princess Bubble. In our story, the princess works, has friends getting married that she throws showers for, has dating troubles, joins Then she has an encounter with her fairy godmother! The fairy godmother tells Princess Bubble that true happily ever after comes from loving God, helping others and being happy with who you already are!

We have been working night and day to promote this book. It is much harder being a princess than it looks! We send emails to everyone in the world in hopes of reaching people and inspiring young girls.

Kim and I flew for Delta for years. Princess Bubble, is also a flight attendant, but for the Royal Heir Line: Where Dreams are Transported.

With 51% of the women in America now living without a spouse, we know it is time for a new type of fairy tale. Actually, the original fairy tales did not all end with happily ever after! Just the Disney version of them. Our tale does end with the princess living happily ever after, it is just not riding off on a white horse with a prince. It is flying off to see the world and liking who she is.
If you are reading this and you agree with us this message is missing and needed; we would greatly appreciate you spreading the word about Princess Bubble.

I am off to wait tables (got to pay the bills while I pursue the dream) but tomorrow is another day. Maybe the day we will reach the world with our message!

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